Thursday, April 16, 2020

27A- Reading Reflection 3

What was the general theme or argument of the book?
For this assignment, I chose the book "Cognitive Surplus". The main idea or goal of this book I believe was to get people to realize the power of the internet and how much we could utilize by just simply living in an era where a majority of information can be found on the internet. The author argues that we can go from being passive consumers into active producers to help shape the world we currently live in.

 How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
I think that both this course and the book itself focuses a lot on producing an item or service that will benefit others. We spent this entire semester pin pointing a certain issue that could be resolved by a simple product or service. The author of this book argues that our everyday lifestyles are bound to shape someone else in some shape or form. Prioritizing time in one field can leave you with a world of opportunities.

 If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
The book argues that American's spend way too much time watching tv and that this results in lesser productivity. If I could hold an experiment, I would test those who watch tv and those who don't do see who are more productive and if this statement really has any correlation.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I would love to participate in that experiment because in my reality watching TV doesn't stop me from being productive. I barely watch TV and there are times where I wish I can just chill and watch my shows but I can not because my life is so consumed with school right now. Class does give me a break to at least want to want to TV. I automatically go straight to sleep. However, I am always on social media. Instagram, snapchat and Facebook takes most of my time when I am not super stressed out with life and school


30A- Final Reflection

1. I knew what I was getting into from the very beginning of this course because I had already taken it a year before. When I took it the fi...