Thursday, February 6, 2020


"Find my I-phone", an app by apple, has done a very great job of making it easy to find all of your apple products in one app. Not only does the app locate the last place your device was on wifi, it also gives you an option to erase that product, label it as missing and even send it a little chime if it is near by for you to easily track it.

For my product, I would like to offer a similar service. Lately, Cards have added a security chip to make it easier to combat theft and fraud on cards. If I could figure out a way of adding a similar chip with a GPS installment to locate the last place your card was near you, many people would benefit. My Idea would be a a chip pre-made on the cards or a simple add on sticker like the "Tile tracking device" to wipe all worries of a missing card away. While the idea is still in the works, A GPS installment that is Bluetooth compatible with your phone/app is generally the direction I am planning to go in.


  1. Hey Gianna! I still think this is a great idea and there is definitely a need for it. As mentioned in a previous reply to your post, this idea immediately made me think of “Find my iPhone.” I like the idea of trying to incorporate something like the “tile tracking device.” I believe you are headed in the right direction with the approach you are taking.

  2. Hello Gianna, I like your idea. I think it has a lot of great potential. One thing I noticed was the format it was displayed in. IT was a little bit hard to read. The font and coloring of it made it difficult. The comments are near impossible to read as well with the grey background and yellow font. That’s the only issue I saw. Other thank that great idea and I can’t wait to see where it goes.

  3. This would be extremely useful! I think it may be a little difficult to actually follow through with but it is great in theory. You also have to compete with things like apple pay. If we all transitioned to apple pay it would completely eliminate the issue you are targeting. Your idea reminds me of the "tile" people put onto their car keys, maybe you could see what kind of technology is used to that object and add it to a card.

  4. If this device actually existed I think it would save my life. I am the worst about losing things, for my bug list I even talked about how I lost my Airpods over winter break. But, that’s just one instance, I’ve also gone through my share of debit cards, phones, etc. If a device that was actually as compact as you’ve discussed existed I don’t think it would have to be limited to just debit cards, I would want it for every thing.

  5. I hope you actually turn this into a business becuase I will definitely support you! I always misplace my cards even when its near me, I would still lose it. This product will not only help me but it will also help my mom as well becuase she's worst than me lol. I have not heard of this type of technology before so thank you for mentioning it.


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