Friday, April 17, 2020

26A- Celebrating Failure

 This was a good one and I am so excited I get to finally rant about how bad my luck has been with plants my ENTIRE life. This semester alone I have been responsible (or so I tell myself that) for the deaht of 4 plants. Green thumbs run in my family. My grandparents have a beautiful garden, my mother a wide collection even my father has a nice garden in his backyard. When I moved away for college my dad gave me a plant and it died within two weeks of my dad handing it down to me. Since then I have been determined to keep my plants alive. With such a hectic school and work schedule, I neglected my plants dearly. Also living in an apartment complex in a bedroom that is almost always blocked by the sun, its hard to keep my plants alive. In the summers, the sun burns right through my babies and in the winter that bipolar weather ruins them every time. Honestly, COVID-19 has been the best thing for my plants. When I moved back home I bought 2 pepper seedlings. I figured with all this free time to actually care for my plants and give them the proper attention they need that I could finally figure out if its me or nature. So far, my plants are thriving. I bought them March 15th and they've actually been growing really fast. I set an alarm for 2:30 everyday and since I am stuck at home at all hours, I can finally stick to a perfect watering schedule. I actually look forward to my alarm ringing everyday. The other day I saw lizards mating in my plant and I was so upset about it. The disrespect honestly. But that's nature I guess and if I want my plants to live out the real experience and not some fake apartment replica of it. So it'll let the lizards mate in my plants. Updates to come.


  1. I can relate to this so heavily because I swear I have the touch of death when it comes to plants. Right before the quarantine began I actually threw out the plant that had been slowly dying in my apartment because I had just decided it was time to end its misery. But, I didn't realize that you're so right and this would actually be the perfect time to try and learn how to be a better plant parent. I hope they continue to grow and your luck starts reverting!

  2. Hey!

    I find it so cute that you are using this time to water and care for your plants. I can imagine how disappointed your were watching the plants your father gave your die after 2 weeks of owning it, its okay because you trying to adjust to a big life changed. Now that you are home, I am glad that you are going back into to caring for your plants. It can show you how responsible you are as a person. Also, the environment plays a big part in the growth of plants. Your were in an apartment complex that wasn't receiving much sun so it wasn't entirely your fault.


30A- Final Reflection

1. I knew what I was getting into from the very beginning of this course because I had already taken it a year before. When I took it the fi...